Thursday, February 7, 2008

Here are some tricks on Clubpenguin.

I only put these tricks on here if the work for me.

On astro berrier push 1 2 or 3 on the loading screen repeatedly

1=level 10



Change other peoples igloos. Will only work for members. Will only work for secret agents.

Go to your igloo and click on the modify igloo button. Then without closing your modify igloo button click on your player card. Then click on your spyphone and go to the HQ. After that click on the map and go to a igloo. Now you can move otherr peoples furniture.

Make a giant floating frendship bracelet.

Go to the bookroom and go as far away from the door as you can. Then click on the stairs to exit the room while you are walking to the stairs click on the books then click on Rockhoper And The Stowaway. Flip to the last page and click on the freindship bracelet. If you can do all this before you get to the stairs there will be a giant floating freindship bracelet.